Monday, August 5, 2013

Family Vac-A part II

So as promised (I know you were holding your breath) here are the rest of the pictures from our vacation. It was a splendid time really. And I leave these pictures with you because... well I enjoyed myself and so even if I am the ONLY person to ever look at them they will have been enjoyed.

These pictures are a complication from our 14 hour drive home. We spent the week in Yellowstone and instead of taking the short 5 hr drive from the cabin straight home Josh wanted to hike and drive through the Tetons. While beautiful it was horrendously long. Blah... We drove through Yellowstone, to the Tetons and to Salt Lake. Enjoy the beauty of the area from the perspective of a misguided $75 point and shoot camera.

The smaller lake in Yellowstone... I can't remember the name.

The wind brought in some fun looking waves. I wish I had a windsurf board!

Beautiful valleys and mountain scenery in YS.

Lewis Falls and some narly windy -blown hair.

Moose falls. Just as we were leaving the south entrance.

Large breathtaking lake just as we left Yellowstone! I think its called Jackson Lake? Maybe...
Either way it was beautiful!

More pictures of the lake.

We stopped at this cute marina side restaurant for lunch... delicious Greek/veggie pizza.

We FINALLY found a hike by Jackson Lodge to stop and hike. It was lovely. But Josh tasted like sweat ;)

Peter Pan followed us around the hike and lake :)

And that dear folks was our very merry adventure! Hopefully it wasn't to dull for you all. That is IF there is even anyone out there looking at them.

Happy Monday folks!

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