Monday, August 26, 2013

Being All Sorts of Domestic

So I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, because I'm Mormon or because I really respect my mother and grandmother but I've taken up all sorts of odd domestic projects that I never thought I would be interested in.

Our Easter Egg Chicken Eggs
As of yet none of these projects involve decorating, sewing, scrapbooking, or making cute little crafts, hence my unpainted shelf and unfinished canvas photo prints. They do however involve things like cooking, raising chickens, gardening, and canning. I sometimes shock myself with how old and boring I'm becoming. Please don't take that as an insult, I wasn't actually bored, I quite enjoyed myself. But let me clarify. I spent Friday night canning... with my mom... and while I'm almost 28 and have been married 2 1/2 years I still expect myself to have some sort of crazy night life and that my weekends should be filled with parties, dancing, and what nots. So to catch myself canning on a Friday night still makes me wonder who I am and when did I become so... domestic?

Despite my post-canning trepidation about the direction my life is taking, my pre-canning self was very excited about taking on this new adventure and learning the ancient art of food preservation. Which, is not so much difficult as it is a lengthy process.

As it was my real first time we stuck to some basics, whole tomatoes and salsa. Nothing super fancy... this round (no worries I have more planned for the future). My mom, grandmother, and I'm sure my great grandmother were very self-sustaining and did the gardening and canning thing as well. I truly admire these great women and their examples of hard work and the love that they showed to their families by gardening and cannening. Yes I think it is an act of love. It takes forethought, commitment and care to build a successful garden and to can. These women did it to provide and help support their families. I feel like I am honoring them and their legacies by doing the same.

I took a few pictures with my camera phone, but as most of the time my hands were wet and covered in veggie juices I did not capture the whole process so its just a few pictures I was able to snap while waiting around for the next step. I thought i'd share them to make this post more interesting.
The small 25 lb bushel of tomatoes (already half used at this point) made 7 quarts of whole tomatoes and 11 pints of salsa.

My awesome mom! Helping me learn to can on a Friday night. 

This is the salsa... took 4 hours just to cook the darn thing

The tomatoes were a cinch... very easy to do. We will use these mainly for making our own sauces.

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